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[1] Chaur-Heh(谢朝和),HsiehJen-Yang,ChenBo-Hong Nien. Deep Learning-Based Indoor Localization Using Received Signal Strength Indicator and Channel State Information. IEEE Access,2019,(7): 1-12.(SCI二区收录)

[2]Fenghua Huang(黄风华),YingYu(俞颖),Tinghao Feng.Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Image Change Detection based on Tensor and Deep Learning[J].Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation,2019,58(2019):233-244. (SCI三区收录)

[3]Fenghua Huang(黄风华),YingYu(俞颖),Tinghao Feng. Automatic Extraction of Impervious Surfaces from High Resolution Remote Sensing Images Based on Deep Learning [J].Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation,2019, 58(2019): 453-461. (SCI三区收录)

[4]Fenghua Huang(黄风华),YingYu(俞颖),Tinghao Feng. Automatic Extraction of Urban Impervious Surfaces Based on Deep Learning and Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data [J].Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation,2019, 60(2019): 16-27. (SCI三区收录)

[5] Fenghua Huang(黄风华),YingYu(俞颖),Tinghao Feng. Automatic Building Change Image Quality Assessment in High Resolution Remote Sensing Based on Deep Learning [J]. Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, 2019,63(2019):1-10. (SCI三区收录)

[6] Fenghua Huang(黄风华), Luming Yan(俞颖). Classification of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Images Based on Enhanced-Hybrid Parallel Multi-BDT-SMO Classifiers [J]. Revista de la Facultad de Ingenieria, 2017,32(2)::24-36. EI收录)

[7] C.-H. Hsieh (谢朝和),Tsorng-Lin Chia. Analysis of Evaluation Metrics for Image Segmentation. Journal of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing,2018, 9(6):1559-1576.EI收录)

[8] C.-H. Hsieh(谢朝和),C.-M. Kuo,Y.-S. Hsieh. Bayesian-Based Probabilistic Architecture for Image Categorization Using Macro- and Micro-Sense Visual Vocabulary. Journal of Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, 2018, 9 (6):1628-1638. EI收录)

[9] Sheng Hui Meng(孟圣慧), An Chi Huang,Ying Chung, ChenChun Yuan .Lateral Field Excitation of Thickness Longitudinal Mode and Shear Mode with ZnO based on Solidly Mounted Resonator [J]. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control,2019,66(5): 1014-1021. (SCI二区收录)

[10] Chen Shang-Kuan(陈尚宽),Cheng Rei-Heng.Preview-versioned essential secret image sharing[C].Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies(Proceeding of the Fourteenth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing), 2019,(110):11-18.EI收录)

[11] Chen Shang-Kuan(陈尚宽),Ti Yen-Wu.Visual cryptography with QR-code transparencies[C].Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies(Proceeding of the Fourteenth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing), 2019,(110):19-26.EI收录)

[12] Cheng Rei-Heng(郑瑞恒),Xu ChengJie, Wu Tung-Kuang. A Genetic Approach to Solve the Emergent Charging Scheduling Problem Using Multiple Charging Vehicles for Wireless Rechargeable Sensor Networks[J].ENERGIES,2019,12(2):1-20. (SCI三区收录)

[13] Cheng Rei-Heng(郑瑞恒), Chen Shang-Kuan(陈尚宽). Solving the multiple charging vehicles scheduling problem for wireless rechargeable sensor networks using cuckoo search approach[C].Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies(Proceeding of the Fourteenth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing), 2019,(110):27-35.EI收录)

[14] Wang Kun(王琨),Ti Yenwu(狄彦吾), Liu Damao,Chen Shangkuan(陈尚宽).A Smart Refrigerator Architecture that Reduces Food Ingredients Waste Materials and Energy Consumption [J]. EKOLOJI, 2019,28(107):4873-4878. (SCI四区收录)

[15] Da Xinyu(达新宇),Liang Yuan,Hu Hang,Xu Ruiyang,Ni Lei,Zhai Dong, and Pan Yu.Embedding WFRFT Signals into TDCS for Secure Communications[J].IEEE Access,2018,(6):54938-54951. (SCI二区收录)

[16] Da Xinyu(达新宇),Wu Jialiang,Jing Zhao,Lin Baoqin and Kai Wu.Single-Layer Circularly Polarized Wide Band Reflectarray Antenna with High Aperture Efficiency[J].International Journal of Antennas and Propagation,2018,(7):1-7. (SCI四区收录)

[17] Lin Shi(林仕),Liu Xi and Li Xuelai. The spatial distribution of liquid film thickness outside the horizontal falling film tube[J].International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2019,143(2019):118577-118587. (SCI二区收录)

[18] Man-Wen Tian(田满文),Shu-Rong Yan,Xiao-Xiao Tian,Jing-Ai Liu.Research on image recognition method of bank financing bill based on binary tree decision [J].Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation,60(2019):123-128. (SCI三区收录)

[19] Manwen Tian(田满文)Shurong YanXiaoxiao Tian.Discrete approximate iterative method for fuzzy investment portfolio based on transaction cost threshold constraint[J].Open Physics,17(1):41-47. (SSCI收录)

[20] Yan Xu(许艳). Research on the Influencing Factors and the Countermeasures of the Rural E-commerce Development under the Background of the Targeted Poverty Alleviation[C].BASIC & CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY & TOXICOLOGY, 124(S1) :153-154. (SCI三区收录)

[21] Zhang Chun-Ling(张春玲),Liu Wen-Wu(刘文武).Fast implementation of quantum phase gates and creation of cluster states via transitionless quantum driving[J].International Journal of Theoretical Physics,2018,57(8):2373-2387. (SCI四区收录)

[22] Zhang Chun-Ling(张春玲), Liu Wen-Wu(刘文武). Fast implementation of four-dimensional entangled state in separately coupled cavities via shortcut to adiabatic passage. Acta Physica Sinica, 2018, 67(16): 160302. (SCI四区收录)

[23] Zhang Chun-Ling(张春玲),Liu Wen-Wu(刘文武).Generation of W state by combining adiabatic passage and quantum Zeno techniques[J].Indian Journal of Physics,2018,93(1):67-73. (SCI四区收录)

[24] Chun-Ling Zhang(张春玲),Mei Lu,Cheng-LiLuo(罗成立),Wen-Wu Liu(刘文武).One-step implementation of a deterministic SWAP gate via shortcut to adiabatic passage[J].Laser Physics Letters,2019,16(2):025203. (SCI二区收录)

[25] Chun-Ling Zhang(张春玲),Cheng-Li Luo(罗成立),,Wen-Wu Liu(刘文武).Fast implementation of four-dimensional entangled state via transitionless quantum driving[J].Optics Communications,2018, 427(2018):497-504. (SCI三区收录)

[26] 肖勇杰.基于ABAQUS的大直径钢管桩高频振动贯入速率有限元分析[J].重庆大学学报,2018,(09):105-112.CSCD核心)

[27] Fenghua Huang, YingYu. Buildings extraction from high resolution remote sensing images based on superpixels graphcut[J]. Acta Technica,2017,62(4A):1-14.

[28]俞颖,张益强, 李绍伟.遥感影像地物分类识别的研究与实现[J].信息通信,2017,(6):56-57.

[29] 俞颖,邵志荣,林燕玲.基于相似性度量的花卉图像检索方法研究[J].信息系统工程,2019,(6): 158-159.

[30] 欧阳林艳.VSM在旅游自动问答系统中的应用研究[J].山西能源学院学报,2019,(2):97-99.

[31] 戴伟敏.基于Hadoop平台的FP-Growth算法平行化研究与实现[J].宁夏大学学报(自然科学版),2019,40(1):1-7.

[32] 戴伟敏.云平台下关联规则算法并行化研究与实现[J].哈尔滨师范大学(自然科学学报),2017,(5):49-53.

[33] 戴伟敏,陈皓,蒋家恒,林镇伟.基于Android平台的校园百事通APP设计与实现[J].数字技术与应用,2018,(3):180-181.

[34] 郭晓慧.基于LDA主题模型的文本语料情感分类改进方法[J].延边大学学报(自然科学版),2018,(03):266-273.

[35] 黄风华,俞颖,欧阳林艳.基于系统动力学的福建省地理信息产业竞争力仿真研究[J].投资与创业,2017,(11):40-48.

[36] 罗成立,黄锋,林伟.基于机器学习的智能引路手环的设计与实现[J].西南民族大学学报(自然科学版),2019,(04):375-382.

[37] 刘文武.马尾船政文化景区智能电子导游系统的设计与实现[J].数字技术与应用,2017,(06):203-204.

[38] 黄凌霄,庄垚,郑少强,曾杰明.基于互联网+的儿童安全监护系统的研究与设计[J].数字技术与应用,2019,(03):175-176.

[39] 黄凌霄.互联网+智能居家养老看护系统的研究与设计[J].曲靖师范学院学报,2018,(03):40-43.

[40] 仲会娟.基于颜色特征和SVM的自然图像分类标注算法[J].绵阳师范学院学报,2018,(05):12-16.

[41] 欧阳林艳.有向图在关系数据理论中的应用[J].信息通信,2017,(10):25-27.

[42] 戴伟敏.自贸区互联网网络建设策略研究[J].决策探索,2019,(04):90-93.

[43] 连彬彬,黄风华,谢小烽,邓小康.基于云计算与GPU的大数据挖掘比较[J].电子技术与软件工程,2017,(13):182-184

[44] 连彬彬,黄风华,谢小烽,邓小康.基于CUDA+SMO的大数据学习研究[J].信息通信,2017,(04):36-38.

[45] 张益强,俞颖,李绍伟.MATLAB平台下遥感影像特征提取的实现研究[J]. 鄂州大学学报,2017,(5):100-102.